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eptfe air purification membrane

Indoor Air Quality is a critical concern today. COVID-19 Pandemic, a Harsh Reminder of The Importance Of Fresh Air The most effective solutions to address this issue have somewhat similar effects but they all revolve around air filtration technologies with EPTFE being one of the best manufacturers. power purification membranesCounts.

One famous but extraordinary polymer membrane material called EPTFE has been widely used in numerous fields, including air filtration technology. The unique porous structure property is used as a filter, and it has no problem in preventing particles of any size (even the smallest submicron-sized nanoparticles or gas molecules) from passing through. EPTFE membrane being a very essential air filtration media due to this peculiar property.

Development of EPTFE Air Filtration Membranes And Quality Of Indoor Air

Indoor air quality is the cornerstone of health and wellness for everyone. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to respiratory problems, headaches and a variety of other illnesses. Application:EPTFE air purifying membrane is a humanistic and effective product to improve the indoor air quality. Here's how they work:

EPTFE membranes from Entegris in indoor air filters capture contaminants before they can escape and recirculate through the system. The membrane with pore sizes ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 microns can efficiently trap ultra-fine particles in the air, such as bacteria, viruses and PM2 5 particles (pollution). EPTFE filters remove these contaminants from the air, increasing indoor air quality and reducing respiratory symptoms.

Why choose Unique eptfe air purification membrane?

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