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HEPA filter membrane

Indoor Air Quality with HEPA Filters 

The fact that we occupy buildings for up to 90% of our time leaves a huge impact on well-being with regards to indoor air quality. These places and the air in them can have dust, dirt and other allergens. This may cause terrible things to happen in our lungs which produce diseases such as allergy or asthma. To clean the air that we breathe at home, one of these filters goes by the name HEPA. Unique hepa filter media go a long way in retaining us innovative and healthy by filtering out the dangerous debris within the air.

How HEPA Filters Work

HEPA filters are able to trap incredibly small particles, many more times smaller than the width of a human hair. HEPA filters are able to capture such tiny particles. Conventional air filters will not capture these microorganisms, but Unique hepa media air filters are designed in such a way that they trap more particles before it can return to the atmosphere. They are ideal for environments where clean air is important; such as hospitals, laboratories and our own homes.

Why choose Unique HEPA filter membrane?

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